We use the NessusManager Class to wrap common API calls and functionality for Nessus in easy-to-use methods we can call later.

  • The NessusManager class implements IDisposable so that we can use NessusSession to interact with the Nessus API and log out automatically if necessary.
  • Nessus is preconfigured with a few different scan policies. We’ll sort through these policies using GetScanPolicies().
  • We create a scan by using the returned policy ID in the CreatScan() method.
  • Once we’ve created the scan with CreateScan(), we’ll pass its ID to the StartScan() method, which will create a POST request and return the JSON response telling us whether the scan was launched.


using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;

namespace Automating_Nessus
    public class NessusManager : IDisposable
        NessusSession _session;
        public NessusManager(NessusSession session)
            _session = session;

        // Sort through various policies and return their ID's
        public JObject GetScanPolicies()
            return _session.MakeRequest("GET", "/editor/scan/templates", null, _session.Token);

        // Succesfully creating the scan
        public JObject CreateScan(string policyID, string cidr, string name, string description)
            JObject data = new JObject();
            data["uuid"] = policyID;
            data["settings"] = new JObject();
            data["settings"]["name"] = name;
            data["settings"]["text_targets"] = cidr;
            data["settings"]["description"] = description;
            data["settings"]["enabled"] = true;

            JObject resp = _session.MakeRequest("POST", "/scans", data, _session.Token);
            return resp;
        // Starting the scan using scanID returned from CreateScan
        public JObject StartScan(int scanID)
            return _session.MakeRequest("GET", "/scans/" + scanID + "/launch", null, _session.Token);
        // Monitor Scan
        public JObject GetScan(int scanID)
            return _session.MakeRequest("GET", "/scans/" + scanID, null, _session.Token);

        public void Dispose()
            if (_session.Authenticated)
            _session = null;
