Automating OpenVAS


This Program helps automate aspects of the OpenVAS API to build classes to perform basic vulnerability scans against target hosts on a network.

View/Download the Visual Studio Project

Note: This program was made for the OpenVAS Scanner v6.0.2. The current version of this writing is 21.4.2. v6.0.2 utilized xml, whereas 21.4.2 utilizes json to interact with the API.


Class Components:

  1. The OpenVASsession Class
  2. The OpenVASManager Class
  3. The Main Class


The scan is 1% done.
The scan is 8% done.
The scan is 8% done.
The scan is 46% done.
The scan is 50% done.
The scan is 58% done.
The scan is 72% done.
The scan is 84% done.
The scan is 94% done.
The scan is 98% done.
<get_results_response status="200" status_text="OK">
<result id="57e9d1fa-7ad9-4649-914d-4591321d061a">